Gaps between teeth, seen in both adults and children, can have detrimental effects on your self-confidence as well as your oral health. A diastema is a gap or space between two teeth. Gaps can occur between any two teeth, but this gap is pervasive between the upper front teeth. The gap between the teeth is often a cosmetic problem for many patients, there are certain treatments and methods to reduce the size or close the gap completely. In the rest of this article, we will examine 4 methods of closing the gap between the teeth.
The simple definition of diastema is the distance between two teeth. This is most noticeable with the gap between the front teeth, but gaps can occur anywhere in the mouth. The gap in the lower teeth is called the mandibular diastema, while the gap in the two front teeth is called the midline or middle diastema.
The gap between two teeth is known as a diastema. Gaps between incisors are often common in children but are not a cause for concern as these spaces usually disappear as the adult teeth erupt.
If you have a diastema or multiple gaps between your teeth after all of your adult teeth have erupted, you may want to explore different treatment options to close the gap between your teeth.
There is no specific cause for this oral condition, but it is often caused by several factors. It all has to do with the size of your teeth and jaw relative to each other, for example, if your teeth are too small for your jawbone, the teeth are often too far apart.
Genetically, diastema is usually seen in families where the individual’s parents also have a gap between the teeth. Otherwise, some cases of diastema can be caused as a direct result of gum disease, which is an infection of the gums due to the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Gingivitis damages the supporting tissue under the teeth, causing gaps or pockets between the teeth.
The main methods to close the space between the teeth are:
Braces are the best option to close the spaces between the teeth, especially if there are other problems such as teeth alignment problems and bite problems (eg crossbite). Braces provide good results if the shape, color, and size of the teeth are acceptable.
However, if the shape, color, or size is not desirable, additional cosmetic treatments (such as veneers) may be necessary afterward. Braces also require patience, as it usually takes 12 to 18 months to see results, however, this method is often considered the most popular. It is especially popular with children and young people because it detects the problem early. Otherwise, it is growing in popularity among the older population and comes in many forms. Depending on the severity of the case and the position of the jaw, you may close the space using transparent retainers.
Direct bonding means adding tooth-colored filling material to the side of the teeth next to the gap. This is a simple and affordable treatment. However, if the color and shape of the teeth are not desirable, the results may be substandard. It also does not address larger problems that may be causing gaps between teeth.
Composite veneers usually require two dental visits. One is to prepare the teeth and measure the crowns, and the other is to place them after they are made in the lab. If the distance between the teeth is small and moderate (1-3 mm) and there is some discoloration or undesirable shape, this option can provide good results, because the veneers cover the entire surface of the tooth, and Very good cosmetic results are obtained.
Closing the gap between teeth using composite veneers requires minimal tooth preparation and costs less than porcelain veneers. Again, this cosmetic dental solution is not for everyone, as it does not improve wider issues such as teeth and jaw alignment.
A porcelain veneer is a thin coating that is placed over your natural teeth to change the shape and/or color of the tooth. Closing the gap between the teeth if it is small can be done with porcelain veneers, but this treatment is only suitable for adults.
When filling gaps between teeth with crowns, the dentist simply makes the crowns slightly wider than the original teeth. When they are installed, they are placed in the middle hide the gap, and provide excellent cosmetic results because more changes in the teeth are possible. Also, they are much stronger than composite veneers. The downside is that they cost more and require more tooth preparation than composite veneers.
Diastema is the term for the gap between the teeth, especially the upper front teeth. For children, a significant gap between the front teeth is generally not harmful and usually closes as their permanent teeth come in.
Teens and adults may decide to close the gap between their teeth for cosmetic reasons. Treatment options include closing the tooth gap through orthodontics or restorative treatment to widen the teeth such as porcelain veneers.
A diastema between the back teeth can cause food to get stuck, and apart from being annoying, it can lead to bone loss or tooth decay. Some spaces may open as a result of the loss of posterior teeth and additional forces are placed on the remaining teeth.
Finally, periodontal disease is a common cause of cavities. Often, however, a diastema is primarily a cosmetic issue, and each patient must decide if it is something they can live with.
A diastema, or gap between your teeth, is generally not a medical concern on its own, but there can be underlying reasons for a gap in your front teeth or between other teeth, so it’s best to see a dentist in Windsor for a proper evaluation. See.
Do not worry too much if your child has gaps in his teeth. This is quite common and may eventually go away as their adult teeth erupt.
Closing the gap between the teeth is very simple and traditional braces are not always necessary. Clear aligners are also a therapeutic method to close gaps in the teeth and eliminate other cosmetic defects that may bother you a little. Whatever treatment you decide on, it is best to visit a professional dental clinic for a general examination before starting.